
Vote for the Appleton Flag Day Parade!

Do you think the Appleton Flag Day Parade is America’s Most Interesting Town Parade? If you answered “yes”, the Appleton Parade Committee would like your vote.

Reader’s Digest is conducting the “America’s Most Interesting Town” contest and the Appleton Parade Committee is encouraging you to vote for Appleton in the Most Interesting Town Parade category. You can vote early and often and the Parade Committee has made this possible with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Information and a link to the Reader’s Digest Contest, “America’s Most Interesting Town” can be found on the City’s homepage (www.appleton.org) Quick Links section (Flag Day Parade link or Reader’s Digest Vote Appleton link) or by clicking here. People are invited to submit their stories and photos between March 2 and May 31, 2012, so keep those votes coming!

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