
October 1-5 is Customer Service Week!

Customer Service Week is an international event devoted to recognizing the importance of customer service and to honoring the people who serve and support customers with the highest degree of care and professionalism. In 1992 the U.S. Congress proclaimed Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event, celebrated annually during the first full week in October.

"Especially during this week, we want to say 'thank you' for everything you do to serve our external and internal customers, and to help achieve our ultimate mission of meeting community needs and enhancing the quality of life for our citizens and visitors. Your ongoing dedication to providing high-quality, selfless service to our community and our organization is appreciated. Thank you!" --Mayor Hanna

We hope you'll take this opportunity to thank other City staff or outside representatives who provide valuable customer service to you, or to recognize a fellow teammate for their excellent customer service. Click here for an easy-to-use e-mail postcard to share your appreciation!

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