
Thank you from the Haiti Program

Ashley received this wonderful e-mail about the Haiti program she coordinated earlier this year.  Thanks to everyone who helped with this program and especially to Ashley who made it possible.  We'll miss seeing you every day when you are at Kaukauna, but we are excited to see you do more great things there!

Hi Miss Ashley and everyone at the APL,

I just wanted to take the time to personally thank all of you for your generous donations to Haiti!

We were able to provide clothing and food for over 150 orphans who would normally be hungry and in the same t-shirt for many days at a time. 

So thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity! 

Since you didn't get to see the kids faces when they opened up the goodies, I thought I would share a few pictures!  They were so excited!  I have to send them in 2 separate emails because yahoo is giving me some troubles.

Thank you again, everyone!

Mary Erickson

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