
HealthSmart Team

Thank you for your support of the HealthSmart Team! Congratulations to the HealthSmart team, participants and supporters of the HealthSmart team! We submitted an application to the State of Wisconsin for consideration of the Governor's Worksite Wellness Award and were awarded the Silver level. You can visit this address to see our name listed and other employers who have qualified. http://www.fitness-health.wisconsin.gov/section.asp?linkid=1107&locid=132 . Thank you to everyone for your suggestions, ideas and participation in the many programs offered by your HealthSmart Ream.


Bites & Bytes - June

Technology Services is happy to once again invite you to read their newest issue of "Bits & Bytes". It is intended to provide some quick tips on using our technology tools as well as keep you informed about changes in progress or being planned that may affect your use of the City's computer network.


City Hall Roof Replacement Project

The City Hall roof replacement project work has begun. Please read notice for additional information.