
Faronics Power Save Software Update

[please note: this ONLY applies to the three City of Appleton PCs in Admin -- all others may disregard -- Terry D.]

Due to some issues that arose after the first Power Save rollout on August 5th, the rollout will be postponed until further notice. If you have any questions, please call the Help Desk at ext. 5893.


Health Smart July-August Newsletter

The latest issue of the Health Smart newsletter is now available. Check it out.


Healthy Grilling

The HealthSmart Team is proud to announce a demonstration on healthy grilling. Please see the attached flyer for details. Remember, healthy recipes are updated monthly on HealthSmart page on the intranet


Bites & Bytes - July

Technology Services is happy to once again invite you to read their newest issue of "Bits & Bytes". It is intended to provide some quick tips on using our technology tools as well as keep you informed about changes in progress or being planned that may affect your use of the City's computer network.



New Employee

Please welcome APL's new Page.