
ADI Leap Local, Leap Day Specials - Free Classes!

As a participant with the Appleton Downtown Inc., Leap Local! event on Leap Day, 2012, Parks and Recreation is offering the following classes at no cost on Wed., February 29. Get a punch for Appleton Downtown's Inc. Leap Local shopping event! Get a second punch at another participating downtown shop and be entered into a drawing for a $100.00 gift certificate! Enjoy shopping discounts all day in Downtown Appleton.

Zumba, ages 15-adult, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Studio 2, second floor City Center (class may move to the third floor at the top of the escalators).

Tappercise, ages 45+, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Studio 1, second floor City Center.

Come and join us!

Attached is the Leap Local shoppers guide for Leap day specials!


Annual Employee Health Screening

Once again, the Health Smart Team is sponsoring the annual City of Appleton Employee Health Screening. If you are a City employee and are eligible for the City health insurance program, you and your spouse can participate in this FREE screening and counseling session.* The enrollment deadline date is March 9, 2012 by 4:30 p.m.

As in past years, this confidential screening will consist of:
· A complete cholesterol panel (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides)
· A test for diabetes (blood sugar)
· A test for liver and kidney disease
· A health questionnaire and body composition assessment
· Biometric assessments (height, weight, blood pressure)
· Free results counseling & summary report

For addition information click for summary or to enroll click here to get to the enrollment screen.

*Fire personnel who receive an NFPA physical are ineligible this free screening& incentive; however, they remain eligible for the free coaching session & incentive. Spouses remain eligible for the free screening.

Valley Transit is celebrating Leap Year with a DayPass sale

Purchase a DayPass good for unlimited rides all day from your driver for only $4.00. The DayPass sale runs from February 27 - March 3. With gas prices on the rise, a DayPass is a great way to save money. Google your bus trip by visiting http://www.myvalleytransit.com/. For additional information click here.

2011 Walk to Win Winners

And the winner is… From September through November, 82 city employees began and completed the 2011 Walk to Win Program, focusing on daily activity of 30 minutes or more. In addition to improving their overall health, participants were also eligible for random drawings to win prizes for their efforts. 11 city employees won prizes from this community event! Check out this attachment to see the names of winners along with their corresponding prizes. Thank you all for participating in the 2011 Walk to Win Program


Internal-Only Promotion Opportunity - Library Clerk

This is a non-exempt position responsible for providing customer service at public service desks, checking out library materials, registering patrons, answering questions, handling cash accurately, computer data entry and database maintenance. Evening and weekend work is required. Work is supervised by a section assistant supervisor and the section supervisor.

City of Appleton employees who are interested in this position may apply at www.appleton.org no later than Wednesday, February 29, 2012 (this position will be listed under promotional opportunities).


Parks and Recreation Morale Booster

Friday, February 10th, between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. the Parks and Recreation will be holding a special event for all City Employees. Stop by the Parks and Recreation office on the 6th floor to have your Valentine photo taken with George Clooney. This event is free of charge! Pictures will take place from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.