
Budget Repair Bill (BRB) Frequently Asked Questions

The second issue of the 'Budget Repair Bill (BRB) Frequently Asked Questions' is now available by clicking here. If you have questions about the BRB, please continue to forward them to your Department Director or e-mail humanresources@appleton.org so we can include them in our next issue.

Optional Life, Voluntary STD and LTD Insurance

Everyone recently received a packet of information regarding the ability to open enroll in any of these three products through June 10th. Clarification - if you don't want anything to change, you do NOT need to do anything. HR does not need any paperwork back unless you are requesting to add or change coverage at this time. We do encourage everyone to come to one of the 3 informational meetings to learn about the benefits included in these products.


2011 Butterfly Festival

The 2011 Butterfly Festival will be held on Saturday, June 18th from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at City Park. $10 per family includes face painting, crafts, kids games, food & beverages as well as one live butterfly. A group butterfly release will take place at 10:45 AM. (Additional butterflies can be purchased as well.) Appleton Health Department proudly supports this event, as all proceeds from this day benefit Parent Connection, a child abuse prevention program serving the Fox Valley area. Come join the fun and support a worthy cause. For more information, visit www.familyservicesnew.org.


Employee Benefits Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who completed the Employee Benefits Survey. We had a tremendous response, with 447 employees returning a completed survey. Here is a link to the survey results. In the summary, you will see:

1. A copy of the original survey (for your reference)
2. Quantitative results for 12 questions (please note: not everyone answered every question so the responses to the quantitative questions will not always add up to 447.)
3. Qualitative responses for 4 questions (organized by themes).

If you have questions about the survey results, please share them with your Department Director or e-mail humanresources@appleton.org. Your question will be shared with the Transition Team for a response.

The Transition Team is now reviewing the survey results to determine next steps. As the team moves ahead, we will continue to provide updates through your Department Director and future issues of Frequently Asked Questions (which will be posted on the Intranet as they are published).


ERC Workshop - Expanding Leadership Capacity - What is Your Mission?

Employee Resource Center (ERC) would like to invite you and the leaders of your organization to our upcoming Leader Forum, “Expanding Leadership Capacity – What is Your Mission?” This workshop will look at the role mission plays in expanding leadership capacity. Please see the attached invitation for dates and times along with additional information, and a registration form for your organization. We look forward to seeing you there.


Preventive Care

UnitedHealthcare launched a Preventive Care web-based tool (www.uhcpreventivecare.com) that provides age- and gender-specific preventive-care recommendations that enable people to better manage their health. Users can set e-mail reminders for any of their recommended preventive screenings or immunizations and, working with their doctors, use this knowledge to make informed medical decisions. They can view, print and e-mail specific preventive-health guidelines and access useful tips, tools, resources and materials to support their overall health. The tool is completely mobile-enabled for use on Blackberry, iPhone and iPhone devices, among others. This is a wonderful resource for anyone to use, regardless if they have coverage through UHC or not.