
Meeting Room requests from the public

Patrons can now request meeting room space online at anytime! There is no need to transfer them to Admin unless they have questions that cannot be answered by the information provided on the meeting room request page.

Of course, if a patron doesn't want to use the electronic submission form they can always print out the pdf form or stop in and get a copy of the new form to print out and drop it off or fax it to us. We will distribute a limited number of paper copies of the new form to the service desks.

So far most patrons have found the information they need on the new resource page and we have had several requests come through the online form; however if they have trouble with the online request form or have a more complicated questions please transfer the patron or send them down to Admin - it's just no longer a requirement that they talk to Admin first and the real goal is to get them comfortable using the online form.

We know we will be helping a lot of patrons walk through the form as they learn the new process, but in the end it will be a better service for them as they can make the request anytime.

If you notice anything missing or a patron passes on any comments or suggestions please let me know! Thanks!

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