
Access to City of Appleton Intranet added

Library staff can now access the City Intranet. The web address is http://cityintranet.apl.org/ and there is also a link on the Library Intranet to the City's. There may be some postings there that do not apply to Library staff. For instance, the current offering of software from Microsoft is not available to Library staff. The reason it is not available is that the Library purchases our Microsoft software at a substantial discount offered to educational institutions, paying much less per copy than the rest of the City does. This benefits our patrons, and saves tax dollars. But it also means that we are not eligible for these added incentives.

The link to the City Intranet only works if you are logged on to a computer here in the Library building. And many of the links there still will not work for Library employees. We will keep working with the City Technology Services department to try to make as much as possible available to Library staff. If you have any questions, please contact Library Administration.


Paula, Public Services Supervisor said...

We always hear about the city intranet at city training, its nice to actually be able to see what they are talking about :). (although it's kind of sad we don't qualify for the Microsoft office post, i could use a copy).

One observation I was just exploring the site and many of the links under applications didn't work, enough that I wonder if the library just doesn't get access to them (ie i couldn't get the city map to work, health smart, lost and found, etc.) PW

Terry Dawson said...

Yeah, I had the same concern about the applications. We can explore further, but there are some things that are just not going to work unless you're actually logged in to a City server.

For a similar reason, the City Intranet is not available from home -- even for those who do have City email accounts.

Some applications, such as the map, should be available on the regular City website. If you want to see or use other parts of the City Intranet, you're welcome to use the dedicated City computer in the Admin conference room. Just ask one of us and if the room is available, we can log in and let you play with it.
