
Staff Directory Photos and Content

At Section Head's last week, Terry announced that we were going to be working on the staff directory. That tool was created to give staff the ability to see photos of each other so that they could get to know each other easier. There are also Board members using the directory, and you can find photos of them on the directory. The entries in the staff directory are ONLY available to people who have a username and password on our system - they cannot be seen by the public. We also use the photographs as part of the administrative record of people who have worked here.

Over the years a couple of things have happened. Some of the photos were taken so long ago that people may want to have a new one taken that looks more like they look today. And a few creative individuals have substituted a gag photo or cartoon for their "real" photo. Also, a few have added logos and other embellishments that aren't part of the design of the staff directory.

All of this has been fun and we really don't want to put a damper on creativity, but a few things should be remembered about this directory. It is an official library directory, and others besides library staff (mainly board members) have access to it. Also, it doesn't seem fair that only a few people have the ability to make such changes on their page.

So - we are going to put back the "real" photos of all staff who have been a little too creative. And we will remove any logos, or other items that aren't part of the design of the directory. If anyone would like us to add a link to their blog, or their Facebook or MySpace page, we would be happy to do that, and will not inhibit creativity in those venues.

Also - If you would like to have a new picture taken, please make arrangements with Maureen to have that done. We will even let you look at the results and pick the one you want to have posted.

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